New mindset. New results.

What limits are you setting on yourself and do you still NEED those limits?

Are they keeping you safe or hindering you from achieving big things? Is it in fact time for a new mindset?

I had an inspiring conversation with a client this week about mindset and I wanted to share the gist of it with you.

After a lifetime of chronic pain and illness my client has seen a complete 180 degree turnaround in her health and in her fitness. The things she can do today are still astonishing to her after a lifetime of setting major limits just so she could cope with the basics of life.

The conversation was about how confident she feels in her new health and her new fitness persona. For a long time after we got her strong and healthy, she nursed a little apprehension – almost like it could all be taken away from her without warning. She was still fearful about anything new and so slow to change.

Over time she has come to trust her body and understand that she doesn’t need to limit herself any more. Her confidence is inspiring and her mindset is something that many of us could benefit from.

She is comfortable in her new normal. Here are her inspiring words that struck me with such force.

“I can rely on it. It’s not going to be taken away, so now I can think bigger”.

 I want it all.

 I can trust the change and I don’t have limits any more so why set ANY limits”.

Perhaps you’ve lost some weight but you’re not quite sure if you’re going to suddenly regress to your old unhealthy ways.

You might have established some new fitness habits and you can’t quite relax with it, just in case your “inner lazy” pops out and sabotages you.

Maybe you’ve struggled with some depression and the winter grey skies are undermining your commitment to the new positive you.

You’ll know best what mental limits you’re currently setting on yourself.

So let me ask you again - what limits are you setting on yourself and do you still NEED those limits? Again, are they keeping you safe or hindering you from achieving big things?

That's my challenge to you this week.

Change only occurs when we're uncomfortable, so it may be time to get uncomfortable again and take another step forward.


On self belief, and taking action


Why No Pain, No Gain is just plain WRONG!