Why No Pain, No Gain is just plain WRONG!


Not all "motivational" fitness quotes send a really positive message. Quotes like "go hard or go home", "train insane", "no pain, no gain" don't actually do the ordinary exerciser any favours at all.

Intimidating much?

I spoke with a gorgeous 20-something trainer recently who was a passionate advocate of clients smashing themselves 100% every time they train. Um, injuries anyone???

Make no mistake, I LOVE training hard, I box and I do Crossfit - enough said. Is this a reasonable expectation for most women?

No. Just no.

Look for a program that is age appropriate; that is fitness level appropriate - that is well planned and well taught. Whatever the exercise program, commit to the workout 100%, absolutely. But change it up - a good, well rounded training program will include lower key days, higher intensity days and a good cross section of strength.


Being sore for days after a workout isn't normal.

Wanting to vomit from a workout isn't normal.

Feeling pain (not discomfort, actual pain) when training isn't normal.

And it's not OK.


Train with INTENSITY. Train at a fitness level that is appropriate. Train smart. And train for longevity.

I want to be lifting weights and punching things when I'm 70, not talking about the "good old days".

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New mindset. New results.


Self Sabotage (and how to prevent it)